Campaign ideation & planning.

Mint Velvet, 2020-2021.

Find joy campaign

January 2021


As we were nearing the end of 2021, Mint Velvet’s CEO Liz asked our Marketing team to come up with a really strong January campaign to kick off the new year. Historically, January is never the best month for retail, but after nearly a year of living with the pandemic, we had to pull out all the stops and really show the brand’s true colours.

These are the initial ideas I proposed to the team as a starting point

These are the initial ideas I proposed to the team as a starting point


Phase 1: Find joy

Email send to MV’s full database - view it in full here.

This is how we fleshed out the campaign on the MV Instagram feed - view the live posts here, here, here, here, here & here.

Phase 2: Modern muses

Email send to MV’s full database - view it in full here.

This is how we fleshed out the campaign on the MV Instagram feed - view the live posts here, here, here, here, & here.


Product descriptions


Print & POS copy